In Search of a Settlement Pattern for Bengal Delta Through Theoretical Re-Interpretations
Bengal Delta, Rice-Cultivation Culture, Settlement Formation, Settlement Evolution, Core patternAbstract
The purpose of this study based on secondary source materials is to reinterpret and classify settlement
typology that has relevance to the Bengal Delta. The theoretical analysis were used to figure out the Delta Settlement typologies and to study commonalities or core issues related to settlement formation. This desktop study together with available literature shows that many studies were carried out on the evolution of settlements and also on patterns of settlements. Globally settlements were seen to be fundamentally classified into two broad groups on the basis of their historic origin, that is, hunters and gatherers settlements and settled agricultural settlements. Among the settled agricultural pattern, there is a sub-group of wet-rice cultivation culture. Studies show that Bengal Delta typology is situated in a special thread of ‘rain-fed rice cultivation culture’ in the ‘warm-humid’ Bengal Delta region. With this textual footing, several conceptual ideas were evaluated and finally, the five principles of Doxiadis regarding the universal settlement formulation specifying the core components have been found relevant and also Mowla’s hypothesis for settlement formation in the warm humid Bengal Delta has been found to be of relevance to explain the formation and evolution of the settlements model of the Bengal Delta found through the historic interpretation of old documents and subsequent studies.
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