Principles of Ecological Riverfront Design Redefined
Riverfront Design, Principles of Ecological Riverfront Design, Riverbank, Sustainability, RiverAbstract
Channelization of rivers, along with beautiication and structured designated landscape design along the riverbanks, are parts of the development that occur in the urban centres around the world. Such developments are often taken up to
prevent natural catastrophes such as loods, without considering the nature of the river itself. Realizing this mistake and its adverse effects towards the environment, many developed countries, such as the U.S.A., U.K., Japan, China and, many more, have started to ecologically reorganize riverfront designs to ensure that rivers are restored to their natural condition. Various principles of ecological riverfront design are available, but the information is patchy and in different documents. Hence, this research aimed at redeining the principles of ecological riverfront design. A qualitative method, using comprehensive content analysis of journals and reports on ecological riverfront designs and ecological riverfront design guidelines from selected countries, was employed to redeine such principles. In summary, these principles could become a reference for architects, planners, engineers and other related professional bodies to reconsider the ecological aspect of riverfronts while planning and creating the urban spaces along the Riverfront Designriverbanks, thereby indirectly promoting urban sustainability within the urban cities.
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