Assessing the Need of Adaptive Changes for Emerging NORCs in Urban India


  • SUTAPA DAS Department of Architecture & Regional Planning, IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur
  • MOUSUMI GUPTA Department of Architecture, Jadavpur University, Kolkata
  • SHIVASHISH BOSE Department of Architecture, Jadavpur University, Kolkata



Aging of population, Urban India, NORC, Adaptive Changes, Elderly Housing, Barrier-free


Due to population ageing, today’s high-rise apartments in Indian cities, which are currently mainly owned by young professionals, will turn into naturally occurring retirement communities (NORCs) in near future. Though many urban housing complexes of 1970s and 1980s are already serving as NORCs, the term is comparatively new to Indian housing research. This huge existing housing stock is inadequate for special gerontological needs of the elderly, who are fragile and socially vulnerable. Informal opinion of common people revealed that holistic requirement for elderly in housing is still grossly confused with vertical transport, i.e., elevators, and little attention is paid to other architectural features. As part of an ongoing doctoral study, a detailed literature review was undertaken on the vulnerability profile of Indian urban elderly in the context of special requirements of barrier-free housing. This article aims to establish the urgent need to assess the adaptive potential of existing housing communities serving as NORCs in Indian cities, such that new housing in the future can be planned with flexible approach.



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